City of Dayton, Iowa
Latest News
Citizens are urged to do their business either by using the drop box, telephone, or email. Bills can be paid using the drop box or over the phone using a credit card.
Please do not flush anything other than toilet paper down the sewer. This can cause blockages.
Community Center Rental: All new bookings will be $50 for a 4 hour block or $75 for all day rental, due before renting. All community clubs, organizations, school groups will require a donation to use building. The locks have also been changed. Any keyholder may pick up a new key at City Hall.
The City of Dayton has moved the recycling bin to the City shop located on 3rd St SW. Sorry for any inconveniences.
It's not too late to get an engraved brick for the gazebo at Cadwell Park. Stop by City Hall for an order form.
The City of Dayton is now accepting credit, debit, and prepaid cards as a form of payment for utility bills!
The City reminds residents not to discharge their mower grass clippings or leaves into the street gutters. The clippings and leaves can plug City intakes and storm sewers. Also reminder that there are mandatory grass cutting dates. A $50 fee is charged for homeowners discharging clippings into the street.
The Dayton Museum is holding a fundraiser. Tshirts, mugs, and keychains are available for purchase. Items are available for purchase at the museum, through any museum board member, or at Kelso's General Merchandise in downtown Dayton.
Citizens can now sign up for the water/sewer line warranty program. Contact City Hall if interested
Dayton Park Water Main
Upcoming Events
*March 23th, Dayton Expo 9am-1pm
*May-September, Farmer's Markets
*May 25 Dayton Alumni Banquet
*May 25 Old Engine Day, Dayton Oak Park
*June 7&8, Clean up days
*TBD, Library summer reading program
*August 30, 31 and September 1,2, Annual Rodeo and Celebration
*September 2 Labor Day Parade
*October, Ladies Night Out
*November, Lions Club Turkey Dinner
*December, Sleigh Rides with Santa